1,000 Game Levels 2
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466 lines
activebutton - make a button/frame
coltox - calculate the X coordinate for a text column
errmess - display an error message
fitframe - create coordinates to fit on the screen
frame/fromicon - open a frame in an event called from an icon
frametext - write text to a frame using row, column
coordinates simulating text mode
getmousey - return mouse click number after a mouse click
getyesno - get a yes or no response
easytegl - do a simplified startup for the toolkit
lastcol - returns last column of a frame as if in text mode
lastrow - returns last row of a frame as if in text mode
outframetextxy - write text to frame using relative coordinates
quit - halt program
quickframe - push an image and clear the frame
restoretext - restore the current font
rowtoy - calculate the Y coordinate for a text row
selecteasytext - change to the font set by seteasyfont
seteasyfont - set font used by the TEGL Easy Unit
countframes - return the number of frames currently on the stack
frameexist - determine if a frame is on the frame stack
pushimage - save a background image before clearing and
drawing new images in this area
popimage - restore the top background image after a PushImage
rotatestackimage - rotate a frame forward or backward relative to
frames on the screen
rotateunderstockimage - rotate a frame below frame2
dropstackimage - close a frame that is not the topmost image on
the stack
hideimage - hide an Image Frame from the screen but retain
the current stack position
and frontal image
showimage - show a Hidden Image Frame
showcoordinates - an Event that displays the coordinates of a frame
prepareforpartialupdate - prepare a portion of a frame for output
prepareforupdate - prepare a frame for output
commitupdate - commit update
frameselectandmove - allow a frame to be moved
setautorotate - set the frame stack auto rotate function
setmoverestrictions - set limits to move a frame
setframemobility - toggle the ability for a frame to move
setmoveframecallproc - call an event process after a frame has been
dragged to a new screen position
movestackimage - move a frame to a new screen location
moveframe - move an X or wire frame
unlinkfs - disconnect a frame from the stack
linkfs - reconnect a frame to the stack
linkunderfs - reconnect a frame with the frame stack, below
the specified frame
createimagebuffer - allocate an Image buffer (frame) on the heap
dropimagebuffer - free the memory used by the frame on the heap
getfsimage - retrieve the screen image within a stacked frame
putfsimage - place the frame saved image anywhere on the screen
freeimagebuffer - free up the memory allocated for a frame buffer
getpartialfrontimage - get partial image of a frame and return a pointer
to a temporary buffer
getfrontimage - get image of a frame and return a pointer to a
temporary buffer
pageinfs - read an image into memory
lockimage - lock a frame image into memory
pageoutfs - page out a frame image
setimagecoordinates - set the frame pointer to a new set of coordinates
pageoutimagestack - request the virtual memory manager to page out images
unlockimage - unlock a frame image
unuseimage - flag a frame image as no longer in use
useimage - make an image available for use
Mouse Click Areas
definemouseclickarea - attach a sensitive area of a frame to an event function
findmouseclickptr - search for a Mouse Click Pointer associated with
a Mouse Click Number
resetmsclickactive - reset the active flag to indicate if a mouse
click area is active or inactive
resetmsclickcallproc - change the Event Handler for a mouse click to
another Event Handler
resetmouseclicks - remove a chain of mouse clicks from a frame
resetmsclicksense - reset the sense parameter associated with a
mouse click area
clearkeyboardbuf - clear the hardware keyboard buffer
clearteglkeyboardbuf - clear the software buffer maintained by the Toolkit
defineglobalkeyclickarea- flexible keycode assignment
definelocalkeyclickarea - assign a keycode to a frame and mouse click area
dropkeyclick - remove a key trap
findkeyclickptr - locate a key assignment
resetkeyclickcallproc - change the callproc a key is assigned to
createoptionmenu - create an option menu header
defineoptions - add option entries to an option menu
createshadowom - create a duplicate option menu header with a
different font type
resizeoptionmenu - recalculate the size of the option menu window
when changing the font type
togglecheckmark - change the first character of an entry string
toggleentrystatus - set an option entry to active or not active
replaceoptiontext - replace option entry string by another text
toggleoptionbar - invert mouse click areas
setoptionmenucolors - change the menu entry colors
setoptionmenubordercolor- change the colour of the option menu border
sethidesubmenu - toggle the hiding of sub menus
Bar Menu
createbarmenu - create a bar window frame
outbaroption - attach an option menu (list) to a displayed
text string on the bar
setbartextcolor - change the default text color on the bar
setbarmenucolor - change the bar color
setbarbordercolor - change the bar border color and toggle the
border on
setbarborderoff - toggle the bar border off
setbarshadowtext - toggle bar shadow text on/off
setbarfillstyle - set the bar fill style
setbarmenumargin - set the left margin on the barmenu
Icon Option Menu
defineoptionclickarea - attach an option menu (list) to a frame on icon area
resetoptionmenuevents - eliminate duplicate menu events where the frame
has been closed
Interrupt Handlers
swapteglintroff - restore all interrupts to the original saved vectors
swapteglintron - save and initialize the required TEGL interrupts
Mouse Emulation
mcursoroff - switch the emulated mouse cursor off
mcursoron - switch the emulated mouse cursor on
msetpos - set a new position for the emulated mouse cursor
Standard Mouse Functions
showmouse - display a mouse cursor at current mouse x,y coordinates
hidemouse - hide mouse cursor
setmouseposition - set x,y coordinates of mouse cursor
cursorshape - set the mouse cursor shape
setmousehotspot - set the cursor hot-spot values
setmousecolor - set the mouse cursor color
mouseposition - get the mouse cursor coordinates and button information
getbuttonreleaseinfo - get the mouse cursor release information
getbuttonpressinfo - get the mouse cursor button press information
clearbuttoninfo - clear the mouse button info counters
setmouseminmax - set the mouse cursor minimum and maximum coordinates
frozenmouse - prevent the mouse from moving when updating the screen
freezemouse - prevent the mouse from moving or being overwritten
when updating the screen
unfreezemouse - release the mouse from a frozen or freeze status
setmousesensitivity - set the mouse-to-cursor movement sensitivity
getmousesensitivity - return the mouse-to-cursor movement sensitivity
scaling factors previously set
setkeyboardmouse - toggle the keyboard mouse on or off
setkbsteps - set the amount of pixel movement with each cursor
key press
getkbsteps - return the pixel movement value set for the
keyboard mouse
Timer Functions
swaptimerout - restore the original timer vectors
swaptimerin - capture the original timer vectors and set interrupt
vectors to point TEGL's timer function
settimerstart - set the timer value of timepiece counter
resettimerflag - reset the flag that indicates the completion
of a cycle
droptimercount - delete a timepiece record from the timer event chain
timerswitch - toggles the timer handler on or off
Keyboard Interrupt Events
addcapturekey - add a keyboard scan code to the keyboard
handler for capturing
deletecapturekey - remove a keyboard scan code from the keyboard
scan code chain
teglreadkey - read a scan code from the TEGL keyboard buffer
teglkeypressed - return True if a scan code is captured, False otherwise
nilkeycallproc - dummy function to use a place holder
Keyboard Miscellaneous
setshiftkeys - toggle the shift flags on/off
Show Button Status
showbuttonstatus - event that displays the mouse button status
Assembler Graphics
Setting Video Modes
videoautodetect - auto detects and switches to CGA, Hercules, EGA and VGA
cga640x320x2 - set the video mode to CGA 640 x 200 in 2 colours
herc720x348x2 - set the video mode to Hercules 720 x 348 in 2 colours
ega640x350x16 - set the video mode to EGA 640 x 350 in 16 colours
vga640x480x16 - set the video mode to VGA 640 x 480 in 16 colours
svga800x600x16 - set the video mode to SVGA 800 x 600 in 16 colours
Graphic Primitives
fastline - draw a line from (x,y) to (x1,y2)
putpixs - plot a pixel
getpixs - return the pixel value at x,y
getbiti - copy the specified screen image into a buffer
putbiti - copy the buffer to the specified screen area
bigimagesize - calculate the size of the image buffer
setapage - set the active page for graphics output
setvpage - set the visual graphics page number
flipapage - flip the active page to the alternate page
flipvpage - flip the visual page to the alternate page
videopage - return the current visual page
New Graphic Primitives
extractpixs - return the pixel value at x,y within an image buffer
extractimg - extract an image area from a buffer
overlayimg - overlay buffered image
swapbytes - swap two buffers
Graphic Derivatives
xorcornerbox - create box corners only
xorbox - draw a (xor) rectangle
Icon Graphics
putpict - put an icon to a specified screen area
pictsize - get the width and height in pixels of an icon image
abortmsg - close the graphics systems and display the
message string
Special Effects
Screen Backdrop
clearteglscreen - clear the screen to the backdrop pattern
setteglbordershow - set switch to draw/not draw a border after the
bar fill
setteglbackcolor - set the color of the backdrop
setteglbordercolor - set the border color of the backdrop
setteglfillpattern - set the fill pattern for the backdrop
setteglfillstyle - set the fill style for the backdrop
Shadow Boxes
shadowbox - create a 3-D box
shadowboxtext - output a text string within a shadowbox
setshadowcolor - set the bar fill color
setshadowbordercolor - set the shadowbox border color
setshadowfillpattern - set bar fill pattern for shadowbox
setshadowfillstyle - set bar fill style for shadowbox
Creating Shadow Text
shadowtext - display a shadowed textstr at (x,y)
setshadowtexttype - set the shadow text font type
setshadowtextshadow - set the shadow color for shadowtext
setshadowtexthighlight - set the highlighted color for shadowtext
shadowtexthighlightoff - reset the highlight color set by
Other Text Effects
extendtextxy - make embossed text
shifttexttxy - write text with a leading white edge
definebuttonclick - display icon, set mouse click area and attach
it to an event
definelongbuttonclick - display a long button with text, set mouse click
area and attach it to an event
defineuserbuttonclick - display a button with text, set mouse click area,
and attach it to an event
putuserbuttonclick - draw a button at the coordinates with a message
collapsetoiconshow - collapse a frame, restore icon it came from
collapsetomsclick - collapse a frame, zip back to original mouse
click position
explodefromiconhide - hide icon, zip and open a new frame
explodefrommsclick - zip from a mouse click location to a new frame
movebox - move a (xor) frame
ziptobox - create a moving or expanding (xor) wire frame
zipfrombox - create a shrinking and moving (xor) wire frame
Icon Button
drawlongbutton - create an icon button if size ln at (x,y)
Writing Events
Mouse Awareness
findframe - search through frame stack for the first frame
that overlaps the coordinates passed as a parameter
checkmouseclickpos - compare all mouse click defines within a frame
for a notch with the current mouse coordinates
checkformouseselect - check if one of the mouse click areas within a
frame has been selected
Special Effects
pressbutton - simulate the passing of a button type icon
visualbuttonpress - perform the pressing and releasing of a button
type icon
origin procedure - set the animated object's starting origin
getorigin - get the animated object's current coordinates
destination - return a count on the number of frames needed
for animating
resetframe - reset a sequence to begin at any frame number
sequence - set the sequence pointer
resetsequence - set the internal data pointers firstframe and
curentframe to nil
addframe - add an animation frame
currentframenumber - return the current frame number
animateinit - replicate the first active screen page to the
second to prepare for animating
animate - begin the animation sequence
animatecomplete - close the animation sequence
Writing Text
fmttegltextxy - write formatted output to the graphics screen
outtegltextxy - write mystr to the graphics screen at x,y
tegltextwidth - return the proportional width of mystr
teglcharwidth - return the proportional width of a character
teglcharheight - return the height of the proportional font
teglwrtchar - write a single character to the graphics screen
setproportional - switch proportional font on or off
setteglfont - set the font to use in subsequent calls to outtegltextxy
fontname - return the name of a font
showonefont - event that displays a font based on
showfonts - event that displays all fonts
Events Library
selectafile - provide a file selection dialogue to choose or
create a new filename
editstring - provide a string input facility
setmousesense - provide a mouse sensitivity dialogue window to
change sensitivity setting of the mouse
Sound Unit
asksoundsense - sound duration dialogue event
beep - toggle sound on for a specific tone and duration
slidebeep - perform a sliding type of sound
soundswitch - switch the sound function on/off
Virtual Memory Manager
cgetmem - return a pointer to a memory block of the specified size
cfreemem - free a memory block and return memory back to heap manager
Expanded Memory
emminstalled - return an installed status on expanded memory manager
emspagesavailable - gets total number of expanded memory pages and
number of those pages not already allocated
allocateexpandedmemorypages - allocate requested number of pages and return a
handle used to reference allocated pages
mapexpandedmemorypages - map one of the logical pages of EM assigned to a
handle onto one of the four physical pages within
the EMM page frame
getpageframebaseaddress - return the segment address of the page frame used by the EMM
deallocateexpandedmemorypages - deallocate the pages of EM currently assigned to a handle
getversionnumber - return the EMM version number in a string format
gethandlecountused - return the number of total handles used by all applications
getpagesownedbyhandle - return the number of EM pages allocated to a specific EMM handle
Ram Disk Driver
emsopen - open an EMS ram disk file
emsseek - move the current position of an EMS Ram file to
a specified byte component
emsblockwrite - write the information pointed to by the buffer
pointer to the EMS Ram file
emsblockread - read from the EMS Ram file to memory pointed to
by the buffer pointer
emsclose - close an open EMS Ram file
Virtual Disk Heap
vdskopenheapfile - open a heap file on disk
vemsopenheapfile - open a heap file in EMS
vdskgetmem - allocate a block within the virtual heap memory
and return a virtual heap address
vdskfreemem - free the virtual heap memory pointed to by the
VDSK Heap Ptr
vdskwriteheapdata - write the data from memory pointed to by the Data
Ptr to an allocated virtual heap memory
vdskreadheapdata - read the data from the virtual heap memory to a
memory area pointed to by the Data Ptr
vdskcloseheapfile - close a virtual heap
Virtual Memory Manager
useharddisk - force virtual memory manager to use the hard disk
as virtual memory, even if EMS is available
movefromvirtual - move a block of data from virtual back to normal memory
movetovirtual - move a block of data from memory to virtual memory
freevirtual - free the virtual memory back to the virtual memory pool for reuse
cmaxavail - return the size of the largest block available in the upper heap
virtualmemused - return the amount of virtual memory allocated
reservehugeminimum - partition the heap memory into lower and upper areas to reduce
Sizing and Sliding
defineresizeclickarea - set a mouse click area for resizing a frame
defineresizeminmax - set the minimum and maximum that a frame can be resized to
definesliderarea - define slider area
dropsliders - remove all sliders from a frame
findsliderfs - find a slider on a frame
resizeframe - allocate a new buffer for a frame
selectandmoveframe - event that allows the frame to be moved
setslideposition - move a slider to a new position
checkctrlbreak - check task handler
checkctrlbreakfs - set an event to call when ctl-break is pressed
droptimertick - remove an event set with SetTimerTick
nilunitproc - place holder for events that have not been coded
overlaparea - return the area that is occupied by two sets of coordinates
settimertick - set an event to be called periodically
Copyright ■ 1990 TEGL Systems Corporation. All rights reserved.
Suite 780, 789 West Pender Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6C 1H2 (604) 669-2577